Ep62. Schleiermacher and the Trinity, Shelli Poe

Ep62. Schleiermacher and the Trinity, Shelli Poe

In the exciting conclusion of Deus Ex Schleiermacher I sat down with Shelli Poe to talk about Schleiermacher as Trinitarian Theologian. We talk about the anit-speculative connection between Calvin and Schleiermacher, why "the great mystery of the Christian faith ought to be the fact of the divine good-pleasure toward creation, rather than a set of conceptual difficulties." We then discuss the 'pastoral' reasoning behind Schleiermacher's positioning of the Trinity, the trinitarian form of the divine attributes of Love, Wisdom, and Causality, and how this approach overcomes or sneaks around some of the problems Schleiermacher identities with traditional trinitarianism.

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Ep23. God Can't, Thomas Jay Oord

Ep23. God Can't, Thomas Jay Oord

I sat down with Thomas Jay Oord to talk about his new book God Can't: How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse, or Other Suffering. We talk about his proposal that it would contradict God's nature to stop evil and tragedy unilaterally, and how (pastorally) this is good news. We discuss evil, love, suffering, climate change, and – since this is Thomas’ third visit – I play the grand inquisitor and throw some curve ball questions his way. Watch on YouTube. Or, listen by subscribing to Love Rinse Repeat in your podcast app.

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Ep21. Advent, Lauren R.E. Larkin

Ep21. Advent, Lauren R.E. Larkin

I spoke with the Rev Lauren R.E. Larkin about our mutually favourite liturgical season, Advent. We discuss the power of the Christ child lying in the arms of an unclean woman, the way death and life overlap in the birth event, and the future horizon of Advent when Christ comes again (and its effect on ethics).

We also play a "Dear Abby" inspired game called "Dear Lauren", when the good Reverend answers peoples questions on how to live Advent lives in the midst of a busy Christmas season. And trust me, Lauren's answers will shock and inspire! Watch on YouTube. Listen in iTunes

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