Ep62. Schleiermacher and the Trinity, Shelli Poe

Ep62. Schleiermacher and the Trinity, Shelli Poe

In the exciting conclusion of Deus Ex Schleiermacher I sat down with Shelli Poe to talk about Schleiermacher as Trinitarian Theologian. We talk about the anit-speculative connection between Calvin and Schleiermacher, why "the great mystery of the Christian faith ought to be the fact of the divine good-pleasure toward creation, rather than a set of conceptual difficulties." We then discuss the 'pastoral' reasoning behind Schleiermacher's positioning of the Trinity, the trinitarian form of the divine attributes of Love, Wisdom, and Causality, and how this approach overcomes or sneaks around some of the problems Schleiermacher identities with traditional trinitarianism.

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Ep54. A Liberation Journey, Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev

Ep54. A Liberation Journey, Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev

I sat down with Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev to talk about the Liberating Path of the Hebrew Prophets. We talk about the world's need for courage, wisdom, and vision, the three qualities inherent in every prophet: “an encounter with divine love and concern for the world, courage to name oppression, and a moral imagination to articulate an alternative future.” We also discuss the importance of art, imagination, and dialogue in the prophetic tasks, the overlapping concerns of the Hebrew Prophets and the Book of Deuteronomy, and the way biblical liberation themes are found in various contemporary figures. We end with a discussion on how the prophetic critique of stability and immutability as "currency of empire" and the importance placed on a liberation journey in increasingly mutual relationships speaks with hope and care into our current COVID19 climate, and an impassioned plea to join the work of birthing a new world.

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