Ep61. A Very Schleiermacher Episode, Ted Vial

I sat down with Ted Vial to talk about Friedrich Schleiermacher’s political activity, intellectual proclivity, and preacher’s sensitivity. We discuss Schleiermacher’s distinction between religion and theology, why readers benefit by considering his work in other academic disciplines, the Christological grounding of his political action, and why it is helpful to be reminded that the only Christianity we have is the one we have. We end with a great discussion on Schleiermacher’s Christmas Eve: a dialogue and why it’s the perfect entry point to his theological corpus.

This episode is part one of our two-part series: Deus Ex Schleiermacher. Look out for part two with Shelli Poe next week. 

Theodore (Ted) M. Vial, Jr. is Associate Dean of Curriculum and Institutional Assessment and the Harvey Potthoff Professor of Theology and Modern Western Religious Thought at ILIFF School of Theology Denver. He is the author of Modern Religion, Modern Race (Oxford, 2016); Schleiermacher: A Guide for the Perplexed (T & T Clark, 2013); Liturgy Wars: Ritual Theory and Protestant Reform in Nineteenth-Century Zurich (Routledge, 2004).

At the end of the interview Ted mentions and extends an invitation to Race, Surveillance, and Technologies of Resistance – a virtual conversation (run through ILIFF’s Artificial Intelligence Institute) on the use of technology as tools of resistance by the BIPOC community. More information.

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