Ep113. a very Karl Barth episode, Christiane Tietz

Ep113. a very Karl Barth episode, Christiane Tietz

I sat down with Christiane Tietz to discuss the challenges and rewards of writing a biography of Karl Barth, and what theology gains from biography. We discuss Barth's time as a pastor in Safenwil and his siding with factory workers in a local labour dispute, and I ask how this event influenced (or was shaped by) his understanding of the kingdom of God and whether she feels this commitment to the vision of heaven come to us as an impetus to support socialism lasts throughout Barth's life or was more of a youthful passion. We then discuss Barth's relationship with Charlotte von Kirschbaum, the tensions between Karl and Nelly, and the various pulls and pushes that led to all three under one roof. In particular I ask what responsibility did she feel in approaching this material. Finally, we talk about Barth's feelings toward the CD toward the end of his days, and, (perhaps relatedly) how he might have felt about the modest publishing industry the CD still sustains.

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Ep112. a very Kierkegaard episode, Aaron Simmons

Ep112. a very Kierkegaard episode, Aaron Simmons

I sat down with president of the Søren Kierkegaard Society (USA), Aaron Simmons to talk all about the existential Dane. We discuss who Kierkegaard was, what drew Aaron to his work (including the surprising points of resonance between Søren and pentecostalism). I also ask about Kierkegaard's work on Abraham and faith, how one can be led through existentialism to corporate struggles for liberation , and what theologians who study Kierkegaard can learn from those who utilise his work in other disciplines.

We also talk about the free Homebrewed Christianity online pop-up learning community that Aaron is co-teaching with Tripp Fuller : Getting Lost & Finding Faith - Walking with Kierkegaard. Find out more.

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