Ep87. Reading the Magnificat in Australia, Anne Elvey

Ep87. Reading the Magnificat in Australia, Anne Elvey

I spoke with Anne Elvey about her new book, Reading the Magnificat in Australia. We discuss her approach to the project as a poet and biblical scholar who has creatively engaged the Magnificat for many years, and how this combination connects to a hermeneutics of creative imagination and need for creative writing to 'turn the breath' toward empathy and resistance. We talk about keeping an aspect of unknowing central to the book's epistemological frame and the hermeneutic of restraint. I also ask about how the Magnificat offers a call to "reconfigure the learned desire of the will of white possession", and finally the concept of entanglement as a way toward a broader (less anthropocentric) reading and rewriting of Magnificat.

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Ep84. Luke/Acts and the End of History, Kylie Crabbe

Ep84. Luke/Acts and the End of History, Kylie Crabbe

How does Luke's understanding of the end of history reshape experience in the present? I sat down with Kylie Crabbe to talk Luke/Acts, eschatology, history, and how ancient writers make sense of negative experience. I also ask Kylie to argue the case for Luke as the best gospel and attempt to disprove the theory that Acts is actually kind of boring.

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