Ep42. The Second Annual Advent Special Spectacular! with Kara N Slade

I sat down with the Rev’d Canon Dr Kara N Slade to talk Advent. We discuss judgment, hope, time and the church calendar, progress, music, navigating symbols of light and dark, preaching as invitation, Christmas coming with a bang, liturgy, and important Advent theologians such as Fleming Rutledge and Karl Barth. Welcome to the Second Annual Love Rinse Repeat Advent Special Spectacular!!

Kara N. Slade is an Adjunct Professor of Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. She serves as associate rector at Trinity Church, associate chaplain of the Episcopal Church at Princeton, and Canon Theologian of the Diocese of New Jersey. A native of Pensacola, Florida and lifelong Southerner, she received her PhD in Christian theology and ethics at Duke University in 2018, with research interests that include Karl Barth, Søren Kierkegaard, and the ethics of science, technology, and medicine. She serves on the Committee for the Priesthood of the Diocese of New Jersey and the General Board of Examining Chaplains, and is also the past chair of the Society of Scholar-Priests.